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How to unlock gallery pic 301?

Start new game, from last update variant. Choose Daniel not survived

softlocked into an endless game over on 2 occasions, fuck this game. 

How to finish the gland quest, apparently i got 10 of the wrong glands


I jizzed to this. 

Do you have Chinese? It's too hard not to understand the plot!!!

(3 edits)

People, there are any cheats or how to open the console people write Shoft+O, but it does not work, just want to try to defeat the king of the morpins, I want to see if it is thought out or necessarily lose.


9 out of 10 needs futa 








now hear me out..











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Nha uh


W game W characters W easter eggs L main character (he's a douchebag)

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To your surprise, the original Cedric from both the comics and the TV Show isn't like that at all.

But yeah, he's pretty mixed in this game.


Im a simple man. I see cammy I upvote


is the 10 dollar tier gone now? 

Same question i see now only 20 and i already paid 10 , what now  for 20 i have to play 20 or 10 more ?



I like the game but to spend 30 dollars for a game is too much and especially when i already paid 10 and now i get nothing in return

my understanding is u put money and it adds up to a total if u drop 10 more u should hit the mark


already tried it it didn't work like that you need to buy it again with full price 

Just found this game, and I was going to try the free version, but there isn't anything to download. Weird.


I love s the art style soooo much it's so pretty


Thank you for the game I love it so much elyon is so pretty


I have just finished all this version and story hoping for the next update version 0.23.0 very nice 🎮🎯


damn you could clearly see the progress on the artwork in this game from the first cg to the last. Insane work, dude. 


I paid for this game a year ago but vant acess the new download

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anyone know how to get the full page 19 gallery i literally have everything else I just need that one page

Little bit late but it depends on if you're rough or gentle with Will


Why don't you update the game?


What are you talking about? They just released an update 3 days ago

Deleted 214 days ago


Maaan, this game! lol. Well done.

Turkish language plan? Steam? :/

when will .22v be free? im having abstinence of this game lol

Hey I died in the game and when i restarted i cant txt elyon boyfriend again the messages wont redo and now i cant progress the story anymor

Deleted 245 days ago

In order to get the scene with Susan, you need to lose to Thomas. Similarly with Teresa, to get the scene you have to lose to Daniel.


well that sucks, i wanna go  to school and it is sunday and i can't skipped a day...

Try using the fresh start option for 0.22 because it sets it to Monda

tem traduçãopara pt/br

Só tem inglês e russo


Do i need to pay another 10$ to get the update ? I already paid 15$ for it

same here

If itsn't working on the app trying in a browser,

I used to not be able to download the paid version from the app, it shows now but you can still look in my purchases if it's not giving you the option

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Didn't work but it's written under it you need to pay 20$+ to get it i think it means you have to buy it again for 20$ or it's a mistake in the price


Itch really needs a way to pay to upgrade, it's a BS that if we purchased earlier and a more expensive tier is added down the road that we're just locked out from that level without having to pay in full a second time


Yeah you right the game should offerd at a particular price to get updates equally not buying it all over again the early purchased now have to pay 35$


Same Problem. Is it 20$ now?


Maybe it's like that or the price is wrong


I'm pretty sure you have to purchase it again for the full price if they upped the price.


But if it's like that we will pay too much



Go to the top of the page, it should say that you bought it and that you can download it. 

yeah when I do that I only get 21.3


i HOPE Patreon vote for Miranda's Love route and not the slave route.

Same with the other Guardians, because i have a feeling that Cedric might get himself killed if he does that.

Don't worry, they did. The reason that the dialogue is in the game i something I'm unaware, but love route was chosen, so don't worry

Need more!


Hello producers I'm sorry to bother you But I want to ask one thing Can I add Chinese to the game?


please bring back old lillian, if it's because of patreon then is it not possible to just post in on pixiv or some other site ? i really don't like the goth that should just be a different character

where does the 0.20 version ends? after the screen with cedric on top i didnt found any more content, days just repeat


pls make 0.21 free theres people dying 


I wasn't ready for this story to end, I wanted to make love to my sweet little Elyon...

For being a "0.20" update, is a very fleshed out story.

It's very odd, at the beginning, it feels like it's very indie, the English is not great, and the plot is very sloppy, when you start out on this very obvious crime spree and there's really no good reason why you shouldn't get caught, but I held on out of curiosity and was rewarded by what was clearly a new artist really growing into their art as the story progressed. 

It was still pretty obvious that it was a fan fiction, of what I'm really not sure. Like, when the lore is clearly fleshed out but the plot feels very clunky. But like I said before, it gets less clunky as you go on. 

Very much appreciate the "cheats" option. Some sex in the middle of a farming game is a treat. Farming in a sex game? Not so much.

I think it would be nice if once you've become physical with a girl, you could go back to that girl for some action even when there's no quest, like you could do with Alchemy once she was locked up in the dungeon, but it seems that option is not available for any of the other girls. I guess Elyon, but none of those are sex scenes (yet).

I might buy this one. About how much content would anyone say is added in .21.3 over .20?


Found this in the police station, accessing the detective file

I bought the game, but it won't start, can anybody help me?


I want to say thank you to the dev, and to the BASED people who saw the potential of Miranda as a beloved consort rather than a slave.

To all the people who voted Wife Miranda for Cedrik, my warmest thanks.

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i wanna point this out this whole time i didn't know this was based off the tv/comic series cause for one i didn't even know and i found this out through a IG post talking about old shows and it wasn't even mentioned in the video it was in the comments by by ppl either way W game


Entered for the porn stay for the lore, i love this game.

In the other hand you should put a dialog when you reach the point with no more content

I felt the last scene had a very "This is the end" kind of feel to it, but it didn't outright say it was the end of the content 

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