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(1 edit) (+3)

Great game overall but the thing that really sucks is the battle mechanics and potions when it comes to harder battles. Using a potion mid battle is a bad idea because an enemy gets to do damage that's more than the hp recovered and Cedrick's transformation wears out out quickly


Nevermind I change my mind I realise that battle with Taranee and Irma was supposed to be lost. The battle with the Morphion Queen also wasn't too bad.


Release on steam


probably can't because it's based on a preexisting series


Hey all,

I have donated overall 12 USD up to now on this project but currently cannot download the most recent version. It was once 10 + 2 USD later.


You need to donate 12$ as a single donation, it unfortunately does not "stack".


frustrating thing is, if someone paid $10 in the past, and was able to access the paid tier back then, they cant now.

im equally disappointed that the developer has done this. Im just hoping this isnt to incentivize paying again. If so, they have lost my support.


Considering the lack of communication I do not see any other way to interpret this anymore.

Well there is still a bug, when I try to call Cornellia in the 0.23.1 version 

(1 edit)

Beautiful game (I see cammy and winx I upvote)

Devs you really did a good one with that lying route with a sad ending XD


Dies anyone know how to not get a game over in the .23 version stuff no matter what way i go from her awakening her powers and blasting me away whither i try to control her or tell her the truth i get a game over after fucking her ass about her leaving or lashing her powrrs at me killing me


When the game ask you if her parents are alive or not chose them alive then take the west route and always tell her the truth. you won't get a game over with this 


I tried that even gave her freedom when asking Cornelia and did the no collar option even been honest during the book reading still got a game over

did you play it from 0.23 or your old save ?? If from an old save and you chose to kill her parents then I guess it won't work unless you start a new save because the first question is about her parents and if you chose eliminating them then cedrick can only lie 


How much left till the game is finished?

so when are the plans for the, for lack of a better term. "Not a a-hole" route/choices? or at least that's what i think that one blurb was implying would be coming to the game eventually. 


Bought a while ago access at the 10$ tier, is there any point in that anymore?


yeah I noticed that as well, us previous purchasers only seem to have access to the free files now and with no way to pay to upgrade without buying it all over again for $20...


Fairly certain that tier is just dead, I ended up buying it again for the $20 price because the game was good enough in my books to be worth spending 30 in total for the content.  I think that *maybe* a slight possibility the $10 tier still gets it earlier than public but still later than $20 as I recall this issue having been brought up a long time ago, but I don't fully recall.  I seem to remember there was some weirdness with sale prices not counting towards the required money spent towards the rewards or something (like if it was 50% off of 20 bringing it down to $10 it would only count as $10 rewards) and I don't believe that ever got fixed so I think the tier just got bumped up to 20 a long time ago.


So ye I even asked on the discord, no reply either (and yes the dev did respond to other questions since).

Considering how many people ask about that here more or less regularly and even if I go out of my way to get an answer on this, at that point I just have to assume it's being ignored on purpose.

Is it still possible to get the name of the game credits on the upcoming update when I donate 20$?


Anyone knows how to activate unlimited money cheat?


Way i can't download the paid version??? I pad 10 usd 201 days ago  and now i have to pay agen??? 

hey man ... any plans to put this on steam ?


unfortunately, steam won't allow it

Deleted 15 days ago

More likely the character's likeness would have to be changed drastically.

I played this game and at first I liked it but then it became very linear, I would have liked it to have been a more open world with more missions and repeat the acts NSFW, I make it clear that I am only giving an opinion regarding the game.


is the game still being produced? over 3 months without any updates


Yes, I believe they are still under process of focusing on putting animations on certain scenes (which is very hard on posing) for now while continuing the Main Story

Разработчики, вы живы?


Разработчики на приколе, приходится каждый раз ждать по 3-4 месяца ради часового геймплея и сюжета вроде девчачьих фанфиков + фантазий школьников. Начало было хорошим, конец всё хуже и хуже, надеюсь до обновления 0.30.0 мы не вернёмся в геймплей как в играх каменного века


Did you just say the game is getting bad?


that's what I said 

Кстати, какой древний игровой процесс в визуальном романе? Тут мини игры могут быть, но основной упор на диалоги и визуал, где ты выбираешь в какой последовательности что делать, а в некоторых тебе и выбирать особо не дают. 


Слов про игровой геймплей и его древность не было, я сказал что разработчики жутко ленятся и делают все в медленном темпе, а в некоторых местах и халтурят, не заметил в последних обновлениях арты, которые весьма схожи с тем что создают наши добрые нейросети?


а "надеюсь  до обновления 0.30.0 мы не вернёмся к геймплэю как в играх каменного века" значит что то другое? 
Та был комментарий где кто то посоветывал им  нейросеть. Так что можешь его поблагодарить, если найдёшь. А насчёт ленивый, это любительский проект, без финансирования. Люди стараются в меру своих возможностей. Единственно хотелось бы что бы они чаще давали о себе знать, а то вдруг решат забросить а мы не знаем.  

Так,  во-первых, какой визуальный роман? это именно игра, а не электронная книга или визуальный роман, продвижение сюжета, все цели Седрика и их достижение как раз таки являются игровым процессом тут, а про каменный век я имел введу то что игра может настолько деградировать, что вместо какого то сюжета Седрик просто будет без одежды бегать по мирам и совокупляться с первой же попавшейся особью женского пола со словами “Уууу, женщина, переспать, ууууу», и не будет никаких диалогов и никакой новизны. Без Финансирования? Платные подписки на патреоне, сама плата за игру это не финансирование? По своей сути мы как инвесторы вкладываемся в эту игрушку чтобы ее продолжали разрабатывать= финансируем разработчиков. А так, с последним согласен✅

(1 edit)

Очень интересно было бы посмотреть на разработчиков которые делают это быстрее в 2д с таким же качеством и с таким же количеством визуального контента


I:m getting Crazy mad by what I'm doing with Alchemy, making her a prostitute ? Why ? Is there any Way to free her or even be a good guy ? I'm trying to achieve a "kills phobos" type of ending, but I'm Just bad as him, I'm liking The minigames and The cliche story, but being a sucker like this ia making me Sad...


Фобос сейчас слишком силён для Седрика. Седрик в будущем будет строить против фобоса планы и Алхимию убедит её вернуть, что на счет извращения её то автор в будущем вроде обещает версию где гг идёт путём романтики а не развращения шантажом.

Phobos is too strong for Cedric right now. Cedric will build plans against Phobos in the future and convince Alchemy to return it, which, at the expense of perverting it, the author in the future seems to promise a version where gg goes the way of romance and not corruption by blackmail.


I tried playing more, but i can't stand It anymore. After this now Alchemy is now phobos personal slut by "mind control" whatever o do to save her will not chance what i did, i unfonitely will not play It anymore, i feel really bad on How whatever i do or try to do will end in rape and sexual harrasment


Тогда играть действительно не стоит. Возможно стоит следить за обновлениями, ради возможной другой версии пути Седрика, в игре по крайней мере её анонсировали. 

Then it's really not worth playing. It may be worth keeping an eye on updates, for the sake of a possible different version of Cedric's path, at least it was announced in the game.

Só It Will be having a good path to take ? And It Will only Apply to Alchemy or The others too ?

Подробности я не знаю, я не разработчик, знаю что его объявили романтическим, По этому думаю что герой по идее принуждать не должен будет.

I do not know the details, I am not a developer, I know that he was declared romantic, So I think that the hero, in theory, should not be forced.


This game is fairly straightforward, although it does seem forced at some point in the story. There isn't much to do all at once so although there are some tasks to perform, you can't really mix and match them or miss out on anything because they are done sequentially. The story is also cliche, but well built and funny.

All in all, I think I simply wish I had more liberty through the gameplay, I don't really understand the point of having an xp system if I'm just going to spam it and max it out right away, or having nothing to do in the morning and evening until I need to "meet X at night".

The characters are nicely designed, the animation is amazing and the girls have interesting dialogues and pretty hot scenes.

The game could benefit from utilizing its mechanics further (shop, money, xp, multiple story lines at once, random/misseable events, etc.) but where it lacks in narrative it makes up in visuals and the number and frequency of updates it has gotten so far!

For W.I.T.C.H standards, it's kinda empty on the inside.

i mean. it is still in develoment.


man, i don't want to make alchemist the personal slut of phobos. not for forever at least. will it be a way to "save" her? or maybe it can be one in the future end? i feel to bad for her to continue right now if im honnest, so i dont know if there is a way in the future or not.

and plese, tell me that we can have the possibility to kill phobos, even if it is in a secret ending

SPOILER yes dont worry you can free her later

THANK YOU, now my concience can rest in peace. even so, i still feel a little bad for her. Nevermind

yeah i felt the same aha

I Felt so bad for her that i stopped playing. I Don't Care anymore what we do to save her, she is só mentally damaged that I'm Just Sad and angry for who we treated her

i mean. stabilizes enoght. is more like we corrupted her more than we broke her. still, compared to what the essence was doing her, she got a pretty stable mind. not like some others... her broter, he IS broken tho, i dont feel pity for him

Can you Tell me what happens to her ? I'm really curious on how we "save" her and brings her back to earth 

Есть какие то новости по разработке?


I really don't want to pay another 20 after having payed for the 10 dollars deal prior what's stopping you from just changing it to another deal afterwards

Я не могу понять что делать. Попал впервые в Меридиан после первого сюжетного квеста с докладом. Оставили ждать в таверне после квеста с цветком до завтра. Ещё с Алхими надо поговорить второй раз. Вопрос: а где скипнуть время в Меридиане? Или как из него выйти? 

так же как и на земле, кроме ночи. Ночь пропускается в магазине.

(1 edit)

Как я сам не додумался 😶...

Благо, что в мире отнюдь не все такие же тупые как я. Премного благодарен.

(1 edit)

Вход в магазин находится слева в углу, там специальная иконка есть.


Please i need the Cheats for Android 

HOw i can find the Cheats ?


Did you get code bro?

Deleted 193 days ago

а в платной версии перевод на русский есть?

is there a Russian translation in the paid version?

Кстати, видать я слишком тупой что бы разобраться где нужная книга в мини игре с их продажей и как остановить грабителей. По этому  играю с читами.

Они там дают описание жанра, к примеру, если они хотят Стивена Кинга, то могут сказать, что-то связанное с хоррорами. 

Однако  у меня лично не всегда получалось правильно выдавать книги на каждую хотелку.

Воров,по крайней мере год назад, можно было отпугнуть дробовиком, который находился рядом.

Не понимаю почему в этом случае нет обучалки или возможности не спешно изучить прилавки.  Разрабом стоит это добавить.


Обучалка, как бы, есть в самом начале. 

По крайней мере я так помню. 

хз, я её не заметил.

Мнра в целом понравилась, хоть я и не фанат принуждений. Сюжет персонажи показаны интересно, рисовка хороша. Разочаровывают три вещи, первое это стиранные некоторых данных после закрытия игры, таких как прочитанные диалоги и галерея.
Второе, то что не смотря на подчинение королевы Морфиоллы глав герой все равно её убивает, хотя потом нам скажут что был способ достать нужное и не убивая её.
Ну и так же мне не понятно причина по которой он не спас рыжеволосую девку, позволяя с ней развлекаться, он якобы боялся каких то проблем, однако в начале он вообще о них не задумывался, и почему в этом случае нет выбора? Я лично был против оставлять её в таком положении.
Несмотря на перечисленные минусы с нетерпеньем жду продолжения и версию романтическую. 

чувак ты слишком нежный

Поему? Я не на всю игру жалуюсь, я лишь на два аспекта, первый из которых  по словам из игры имел альтернативу, которой нам не дали воспользоваться, а второй логичен. так как гг якобы меняется. 

на тот момент он ничего не переосмыслил и ему было всё равно на то че с ней будет,а отдать ее был самый лёгкий вариант

(1 edit)

Я не про Алхимию   говорю, а про девушку  из туалета из конца данной бесплатной версии игры.


Im missing so many gallery scenes but ive completed the game. Im just missing alot of the "hidden/hard to get to" scenes? Like page 5,6,7,8,9, and some of 10. And that's just the tip of the iceberg ☠️. Am I just bad at the game or are they deliberately harder to unlock?

The way I did it was to save into a new file at each decision path, then choose the one I didn't want to do first. Then, load the save, and go through the path I wanted to follow.


ten little niggers?


What led you to say the fucking N-word?


I guess they're referring to the book store customer that asks for the book. I literally just got him asking for the book and I was also wondering why that's the name of a book


dude, im black, chill

I'm stuck at defeating the sand monster since I have ni mana to transform what do I do?

Fight boars (first forest level) and spiders (second forest level) to get the ingredients for sleeping potions.

Hey! Just wanted to ask.. is AI used for art or not? Not trying to offend, just curious! Because i completed the game and still cant say for sure xd

Deleted 209 days ago
Deleted 209 days ago

which AI u used?

Deleted 209 days ago

AI example you providen a really outdated. AI can do much much better now, and also do it pretty consistentely. Not that im a big fun of all that but that's the reality

Deleted 209 days ago

This, for example

Deleted 209 days ago
(2 edits) (-2)

Well, I specifically selected the one without NSFW stuff. But okay, something anatomically wrong with this one? And even if so, your image is still lightyears behind what AI can do nowdays. "The example was made 4 days ago" literally means nothing, because there so many different AIs nowdays, and you can use them very differently. Seems like you just used some random free website for generating AI and think that it is the best ai can do, lol

Also, for the game you need separate images to animate them, you dont need to generate "intercourse". Seems like you dont really understand the game part of it too


where did you get the art from its really good



How do you unlock gallery 261? its the only one im missing from 0.21.3


I think failing at the minigame when Will is giving you a BJ under the table.

character development is on the way.... probably,

looking forward to it...


Can I have cheat codes please


Hiii can I have cheat codes  please......


I love this game and I love the writing. It's funny, erotic, and I don't want it to end. Good work!


I can't access the latest download file, even though I've purchased the game before. 

Please fix it.

before this I genuinely had no clue the show and comic book series W.I.T.C.H. even existed... holy fuck man being american I really missed out

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